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Let's join together for a "Green Planet", earth's survival depends on our actions. We must protect our legacy; we can make it only if we decide it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Τhe catostrophic truth of our impact on the world’s oceans. Η πραγματική κατάσταση στους Ωκεανούς παγκοσμίως.

Τhe catostrophic truth of our impact on the world’s oceans

The state of our oceans are in sharp decline experts warn
A panel of marine experts have revealed the shocking truth behind the state of our 'blue planet'.
In a new report to be published this week scientists have revealed that our oceans have reached such a point of severity, that marine species are entering a phase of extinction unprecedented in human history.
The group of scientists, brought together by the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO), were the first ever interdisciplinary delegation to consider the combining factors that are affecting our seas.
The panel examined the combined effects of pollution, acidification, global warming, over fishing and deoxygeneration, with concusions that were both shocking and deeply concerning.
Dr Alex Rogers, Scientific Director of the IPSO said, "the findings are shocking. As we considered the cumulative effect of what humankind does to the ocean the implications became far worse than we had individually realized."
"This is a very serious situation demanding unequivocal action at every level. We are looking at consequences for humankind that will impact in our lifetime, and worse, our children’s and generations beyond that,” Dr Rodgers added.
Perhaps the most disturbing fact that the scientists discovered is the alarming rate of degenaration, with the combined stressors on the world's oceans reaching a stage that mirrors every other previous major extinction of species in Earth's history.
Here there are three common factors that we are facing within our time, which are an increase in hypoxia (low oxygen levels) and anoxia (absense of oxygen) coupled with ocean warming and acidification.
The startling truth is that if this trend continues then we face an inevitable mass extinction within our oceans.
Experts agreed that the combining factors have reached such levels that the ocean and its ecosystems are now unable to recover.
After gathering the evidence from each experts specific field of expertise at Oxford University, they concluded that it was the human induced impacts that were directly responsible for the dramatic decline in ocean health.
Over fishing and nutrient run-off from farming are highlighted as two of the main culprits in its continious demise.
The report calls on country's, regional bodies and the United Nations to take drastic action in conserving ocean eco-systems, as well as greater governance on the largely unprotected high seas.
The conclusions of the report are to be presented to government officials at the UN headquarters in New York this week, in time for initial discussions into the reforming of governance throughout the world's oceans.

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