Talking about ECOlogie, FORests and ENVIronment for a beter planet.

Let's join together for a "Green Planet", earth's survival depends on our actions. We must protect our legacy; we can make it only if we decide it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Καλή η εξόρυξη πετρελαίου βοηθά την ανάπτυξη αλλά δυστυχώς δεν είναι λίγα τα παραδείγματα ατυχημάτων..

Εικόνες από την πρόσφατη επιχείρηση καθαρισμού του ποταμού του Εθνικού Πάρκου του Γέλοουστουν από την διαρροή πετρελαίου.

Exxon Mobil has estimated that up to 1,000 barrels, or 42,000 gallons, of crude oil spilled Friday night before the flow from the damaged pipeline was stopped. The break near Laurel has fouled miles of riverbank, although high water has hobbled attempts to find where all the oil went, according to an Associated Press story today.
Previously, AP had reported that an Environmental Protection Agency spokeswoman Sonya Pennock said an unspecified amount of oil could be seen some 40 miles downriver during a fly-over Sunday, and there were other reports of oil as far as 100 miles away near the town of Hysham.

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